Buckland School

17 August

Dear Parents

As you have probably heard already the Government has announced an Alert Level 4 Lockdown for the entire country for the next three days beginning at 11.59p.m. tonight the 17th August.  This could be extended in the future for the Auckland & Coromandel regions to seven days.   


At Level 4 this means that school is closed.  There is the expectation that children will continue learning at home where possible.


Please refer to our school website, folder Covid-19, Lockdown Expectations for the procedures we will follow.  Teachers will be in contact with you by 10a.m. tomorrow Wednesday with suggestions for children to work on. 


At the present time I will not provide devices for those that do not have them, but should the Lockdown be extended will seek permission to enter the school grounds and organise these.  The Government indicated tonight that the education channel on TV will operate again.  I will update you when I receive information from the Ministry of Education.

Please check that you have not been in the areas of interest – Auckland & Coromandel, or if you have, follow the advice of the Ministry of Health.

Take Care Everyone.  Be Kind, we are all in this together! 

I will be back in touch when further information is received.


Kindest Regards

Mavis Glasgow


Buckland School



Important Notices