Buckland School

Buckland School PTA
Buckland School has a very supportive group of parents and staff who form the PTA and help with the fundraising efforts of the school.  The major fundraising event each year is the annual Agricultural Day which is run by a subcommittee of the PTA called the Ag Day Committee.  This year the event is on Saturday 23 September.  The School gets wonderful support from the local community and local businesses and this makes for a very enjoyable and rewarding day.
All funds raised by the PTA are donated to the school for the sole benefit of students.  Some recent donations have been used to subsidize all students to take part in the Mathletics online programme, EOTC activities, camps, provide shade and fall for the junior playground, support Year 8 Graduation Dinner and Young Leaders Day.  
Everyone is welcome to join the PTA and all contributions are gratefully accepted.

Executive Members: Chairperson - Julie Aitken
                                        Secretary: Alicia Ruiterman
                                        Treasurers: Lena Clark & Melissa McMiken
                 Email: bucklandschoolpta@outlook.com 

Important Notices